
Blog about my 40k adventure, my personal collection, short stories and random thoughts...

Thursday 27 December 2012


Welcome to a blog that currently contains very little! I have only just taken up a new hobby in the Warhammer 40k world from Games Workshop Limited. I have no affiliation with the company and the views that are represented on this blog are my own. I have decided to keep a blog to record my progress with the hobby over 2013 and beyond. I have started collecting an Ork army and will be showing some examples of these painted and highlighting some of the strategies in which I intend to try in battles. My painting is not amazing yet, but here is a sample:

I began with just painting and quickly got consumed into other aspects of the hobby, which has rapidly become addictive and intriguing. In order to gain some background into the universe I purchased a few books from The Black Library. There's some great works in their collection, and as I read through some of the books I plan to write a short book review on each.

Myself and several friends have just started back in the hobby and there is currently an arms race going on for us trying to kit out our armies ready to pitch them against each other. Once the battle commences I plan to log some battle reports on the outcomes and the findings we see. Between us we have Orks, Dark Angels, Grey Knights, Tyranids and Tau.

Finally, I also intend to use this blog to publish some of my ideas and thoughts that I come up with whilst authoring short stories. In April I intend to submit a short story to The Black Library submissions in an attempt to publish some work. If this fails I will probably self publish some of the stories, I currently have one plot that I am developing.

A little about me for those who are interested. I'm 28 and about to become a father for the first time. I work in software development and have always been interested in 40k. When I was 12 I started my first collection of Ultramarines, those that ever saw my army would testify to the fact that I really couldn't paint, but knew all the dice combinations and tactics off hand. We played for around 2 years and after that it was a time where it became uncool to collect and paint miniatures. I'm sure that is something that everyone will go through, but hold onto your collection -- as you never know in 14 years you might be back considering this as your main hobby!

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